‘When Something is Wrong…‘ book purchase options:

Option 1: Nuria Kenya || Option 2: MyBidhaa || Option 3: Books Kenya (Hardcopy Purchase1st Floor, Kilimani Mall, Tigoni Road, Kilimani) || Option 4: Books from my soul (Ebooks)
For book donations to schools by: chamas, alumni groups, institutions, individuals, well wishers, friends of ESEAF, and others please click here
Thanks so much for your purchase & donations!
The Yellow Nails #EndoKit Books.

‘Demystifying Endometriosis…‘ book purchase options:
Option 1: Nuria Kenya || Option 2: My Bidhaa || Option 3: e-book on Books for my Soul.
‘When Something is Wrong…‘ book purchase options:

This is a 20 page resource that has been customised for learners and can be shared alongside pads distribution drives, outreach programs, etc. Please contact us if you are interested in acquiring bulk copies from 1000 copies and above at a very subsidized cost.
Happy to Engage info@endosisterseastafrica.org