Why create awareness?

Endo Sisters East Africa Foundation is a social advocacy organization conducting community awareness activities. We do this in support of the legal and natural rights of women living with endometriosis and associated menstrual disorders as a means to achieving social justice.

Early detection and treatment by a gynecologist are crucial and can prevent years of unnecessary pain, suffering, and potential infertility.

What kind of awareness?

Our programs aim at: educating the public on endometriosis; discussing pertinent information on the symptoms to look out for; empowering girls with useful tips to help them take control of their individual health management as well as sharing contacts of gynecologists, diets, alternative lifestyle treatments, etc. In addition, the Women and Girls Support program offers online support services for both girls and women with endometriosis and those generally suffering from related issues such as infertility and adenomyosis.  We also look to collaborate with others of like mind as well as advocate for a better environment for those living with endometriosis in terms of diagnosis, treatment and management.

How is this done?

In 2019 Endo Sisters E A Foundation was priveledged to participate in the Great Places to School Initiative under the Health and Hygiene category as well as the Newspapers in Education Program. We have since ceased participating in the Great Places to school Initiative but we continue with the NIE initiative which has moved from the standard Group to Nation Media Group. For more information on NIE, please click here on our CSR page.

Towards our efforts of information dissemination on menstrual disorders for awareness creation purposes, we have authored a schools approved textbook entitled “When something is wrong…Understanding menstrual disorders”. It is a book that has been endorsed by the Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society (KOGs) and it explains menstrual disorders in a very simple and engaging manner suitable for learners aged 12/13 years and above (Junior high school). Our opinion is that when schoolgirls are provided with comprehensive menstrual health education that incorporates menstrual disorders education, they are better educated, equipped and empowered to seek early diagnosis for debilitating conditions such as endometriosis and adenomyosis.   

The other ways that we create awareness is through our social media platforms, outreach training programs (using the #ENPOWR Endo Edukit program – www.endofound.org) speaking engagements, the #YellowNailsMovment campaign, TV, print and film media.  More recently, we have developed our very own Yellow Nails #EndoKit books (guide book and booklet). Our social media platforms comprise of our facebook page where we regularly publish information on endometriosis for the public as well as both a Twitter (@endosistersea) and an Instagram account (@endosistersea).

Contact us and let us start the conversation …