My name is Margaret Mithanga from Nakuru County. I belong to a youth group called Royal Family Foundation where we work against period shaming.
From this book I have been able to understand what different girls go through when they have menstruation. The grammar is very easy so even the teenagers can understand as well as the first time parents to teenagers. The book helps them to understand what their children are going through. In our society many girls are suffering and also depressed because of menstrual disorders, which many people are not aware of. However, if people are aware of the disorders they can be able to encourage and understand what others go through and also know that not everyone is privileged to have normal menstruation. The good thing is that, the book is for all; men and women, girls and boys. This book is a voice to many women and girls that are suffering in silence. Many marriages have been broken, and also families have been affected by the long-term impact of the menstrual disorders. In order to be able to give those who are affected emotional, psychological and medical support, we should have an understanding of menstrual disorders, which this book has explained well. The book is easy to understand and also has relatable images which can help anyone to visualize well. It is about time the society understood that having menstrual disorders is not a curse nor is it witchcraft.
Doris, thank you for talking on behalf of all those women and girls that are suffering in silence.